Agroforestry and environmental consulting

Sergio Catastini, Agricultural Engineer

Main activities carried out:

- Agroforestry, management of natural resources;

- Environmental assessments and analysis (VIncA, VAS, EIA etc.) and landscape authorisations;

- Planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and programmes, early warning systems and climate change adaptation strategies;

- Drafting of multi-year agricultural and environmental improvement programs (PAPMAA);

- GIS and CAD cartography;

- Environmental upgrading and naturalistic engineering interventions with "nature based solutions" approach;

- Environmental and agricultural chemistry, fertilizers and agrochemicals.

Through agreements and collaborations with other professionals, consulting firms and specialized companies, every need of agricultural and forestry companies, private individuals, institutions and companies producing technical means is satisfied.

In addition, over the years I have carried out numerous overseas missions in development programs also related to sustainable management of environmental/natural resources, agroforestry, and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems.

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39 393 1235711

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